
With our architectural products,
we connect people, planet, and the future to create a better society.

At YKK AP, the foundation principle of our business activities is the YKK spirit of "Cycle of Goodness".
This phrase, which emphasizes that "No one prospers without rendering benefits to others", is aimed at prospering together with the society, customers, and employees, being aligned with the concept of sustainability.

We integrate philosophies highly compatible with sustainability into the core of our business and contribute to realizing a sustainable society through our operations.

YKK AP Sustainability in Numbers

Rate of sustainable product sales


Reducing own CO2 emissions (scope 1 and 2)*1


Industrial waste recycling rate (manufacturing sites)


Sustainability-related investment (Japan)

2.9 billion yen

Aluminum: Recycled external products (Japan) *2


Vinyl: Recycled internal products (Japan) *3


Results as of March 31, 2023 or FY2022 unless otherwise noted, scope of coverage is YKK AP Group (Japan + overseas)

  1. Relative to FY2013
  2. Ratio of input of recycled materials from the market to the input of aluminum raw materials
  3. Rate of internal reuse of internally generated vinyl scraps

Sustainable Monozukuri

We contribute to addressing various social issues and realizing a sustainable society by creating added values in our Monodukuri activities and addressing challenges also in the supporting infrastructure.

Report Library

We publish "Integrated Report" that communicates YKK AP's efforts in creating values, "Environmental Report" that compiles environmental activities, and "Sustainability Data Book" that consolidates financial and non-financial data.

  • Environmental Report and Sustainability Data Book are published only in Japanese.
Report Library

Sustainability Stories

Learn about YKK AP's efforts to achieve sustainability.